September 30-October 4- SEP Week (M-TH: dismissed @ 2:30 pm, F: dismissed @ 1:30 pm)
October 1- Picture Retakes
October 3- PTA Bumper Ball Showdown
October 8- 3rd-5th Grade: Author Visit
October 10- Utah Food Bank Delivery
October 11- Musical Rehearsals Begin
October 14- Snowder: Children't Museum
October 14- PTA Meeting
October 15- Kindergarten: Judd's Pumpkin Patch
October 16- 1st Grade: Judd's Pumpkin Patch
October 18- Teacher PD Day- No School
October 21- Fall Break- No School
October 23- PTA Trunk-or-Treat
October 28-November 1- Red Ribbon Week
Monday- Pajama Day, “Follow Your Dreams! Don’t Do Drugs!”
(Wear clean and dress code appropriate pajamas)
Tuesday- Western Day, “Give Drugs the Boot!”
(Wear your best Western attire)
Wednesday– Silly Socks, “Sock-it to Drugs!”
(Wear crazy and silly socks)
Thursday- Halloween Colors, “Say BOO to drugs!”
(Wear orange, black, purple, green)
Friday- Crazy Hair Day, “From Head to Toe, I will be Drug Free!”
(No permanent hair dye)