Remember tomorrow is Picture Day! For more information, go to the "News" section. Please remember we have no school on Monday, September 4th in celebration of Labor Day. Classes will resume at normal time on Tuesday, September 5th. If you marked "Accept" for Chromebook insurance and haven't stopped in the office and paid yet, PLEASE stop by and take care of that. Have a fun and safe holiday!
Picture Day will be September 1st. Information will be sent home soon.
Welcome back! Have a wonderful first day of school!
Our school Title 1 funding is based on how many students qualify for free and reduced lunch.
The goals of Title 1 are:
a. To help students achieve academic success in reading and math.
b. To increase student performance in high poverty schools through school-wide reform.
c. To build teacher capacity through quality professional development.
d. To enhance parents’ abilities to help their children succeed through quality parental involvement activities.
Go to https://www.myschoolapps.com/ for online application.
If you signed your child up for summer school, please check your email frequently.
I just sent out an email about busing (if you requested it). Please commit to this schedule so as to not alter the bus schedule.
Summer school will be held June 12th-29th, Monday through Thursday.
--Session 1- 9:00-10:30 am
--Session 2- 10:45 am-12:15 pm.
Please contact camille.dumas@ironmail.org if you have any questions. Thanks!
Not registered for Kindergarten? Go to website below and enroll today!
Teacher Request Forms are available online under the "News" section for the 2023-24 school year. They will only be accepted April 17-21.
Due to snow accumulation, all Iron County School District schools will follow a two-hour delayed start on Tuesday, April 4. School start times and transportation schedules will run two hours later than normal. Morning preschool and kindergarten classes are canceled. Please check secondary bell schedules for specific class period start times. The school day will end at the regular time.
Early morning practices and other before school activities will not be held. Any field trips scheduled for departure at the beginning of the school day are also canceled.
All-day kindergarten classes will follow the two-hour late start schedule of their associated elementary school.
If the weather continues to create unsafe conditions, more information will be communicated by 8 a.m. Tuesday morning.
As during all adverse conditions, we encourage parents to make attendance decisions for their children based on their specific ability to get to school safely. We trust parents to make the ultimate call when it comes to their child's safety. Teachers will work with students to make up any missed assignments.
Remember tomorrow (March 29th) is Spring Pictures! (Pictures are Optional)
Just a reminder that today is the last day of school this week. We will resume on Monday, March 20th. Have a safe and fun break!
Thank you for donating to our school fundraiser! It has been a huge success! If you haven't donated yet, you still have time. It ends tonight. Thanks again everyone!
We want to hear about your experience with your student’s education. We invite you to participate in completing the Utah School Climate Survey. This survey includes questions about your student’s learning, school safety, and interpersonal relationships, as well as your attitudes about the institutional environment and your personal involvement in school. Your responses will be very helpful in improving student relationships, learning conditions, and the overall school environment.
The survey includes questions specific to Iron County School District’s goals and will help us implement changes. We encourage you to take the survey more than once if you have one child in elementary school and another child in a secondary school. By identifying the specific school you are considering in your responses, the district has a better idea of where it can focus on necessary changes or resources to better serve students.
All your responses are completely anonymous. We have no way to connect you to your answers, and results will only be reported as group responses. There are no right or wrong answers.
Please visit https://irondistrict.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4ZTwIayLfmcTFgG to access the survey. You may also scan the QR code.
![Picture of QR Code for Survey](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/4001847/large_DxhAzAfrJ5531kT3lDi4OQ.png)
Three Peaks Elementary and the SUU STEM Center are hosting a family STEAM night Thursday, March 9th from 6-8 PM. There will be door prizes and fun for all family members. We hope to see you all there!
![Picture of STEAM Night flier](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3937042/large_1677896493000.jpeg)
Parents, just a reminder that we will not have any school Monday 2/20 in observance of President's Day. Classes will resume Tuesday 2/21. Attached you will find information about registering Kindergartners for next year. If You have a child that will be attending Kindergarten in the fall please review that information. If you have any interest in enrolling your child in little league wrestling(PreK through 8th grade) Sign ups will be at the CVHS wrestling room on Feb. 20th and 21st at 5pm. If you have any questions about that you may contact Coach Lowry by Email at dallas.lowry@ironmail.org rmd.me/SQfbgseyMta
As forecasts call for continuing snow, Iron County School District reminds parents of the procedures the district will use when considering an altered schedule due to weather conditions. The decision to alter the schedule due to weather conditions will be made by the Superintendent by 6 a.m. If a change is made, parents will be notified via text message to numbers in the PowerSchool system. No contact will be made if the normal schedule is followed. Any change to the schedule will also be posted on social media and school websites. Please note, it is very rare that the weather in Iron County is so severe that action would need to be taken by the school district. The District will work closely with city and county officials as well as reliable weather information prior to making a decision to alter the schedule. Read more on the district website at https://bit.ly/icsdweather
![Winter Weather Advisory Picture](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3802087/large_xo1TE667-4JOLgWP2C6Oog.png)
Information on how to sign up your child for Kindergarten (2023-24) is found in the NEWS section. Have a great day!
Just a reminder that school hours tomorrow (Friday- 2/3) will begin and dismiss at the normal Friday schedule times for all grades.
Today is the last day to submit entries for the yearbook cover contest! They will still be accepted until the end of the day.
Don’t forget it’s SEP Week!
![Picture of SEP Week schedule](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3682580/large_1675023683000.jpeg)
SEP Conference Week
January 30-February 3
Kindergarten Schedule:
AM: 8:45-10:45 (Monday-Friday)
PM: 12:30-2:30 (Monday-Thursday)
**Friday will be our normal Friday Schedule 11:30-1:30**
1st Grade-5th Grade:
8:55-2:30 (Monday-Thursday)
**Friday will be our normal Friday Schedule 8:55-1:30**