Parents/Guardians: If your child/children have a negative balance on their School Lunch Account, please pay before the end of the year. Thank you!
9 months ago, Three Peaks Elementary
📢Important changes📢 The Color Run is rescheduled to May 20- more details will be sent home with a flyer this week. May 20 is also field day. This year field day will not be the same as it has been in the past. There will not be races held at the school for parents to attend. Instead, the races are being held during PE and the winners will be notified and receive their awards in school. (The PTA is not in charge of field day- it is out of our hands. Sorry for any disappointment in this change.)
9 months ago, Three Peaks Elementary
UPCOMING EVENTS AND VOLUNTEER HELP NEEDED: WE NEED: - volunteers to bring and set up obstacles for color run Thursday morning the 16th or the night before - battery powered leaf blowers for color run - totes for color run THE 5TH GRADE CLAP-OUT: - a few 5th grade parents to hand out leis for aloha clap out THE PTA PRESIDENT POSITION IS STILL OPEN. All other positions have been filled. Please consider filling this position. I know life is busy but the PTA is a vital part to our elementary. Thank you.
9 months ago, Three Peaks Elementary
In search of PTA board members! We have had some of our positions fall through for next year. We are in desperate need of a President, Treasurer and President Elect for the 24-25 school year. If we do not get volunteers we cannot function as a PTA which means no PTA activities and funding for the school. -no fundraising for the school -no field trips that cost more than bus transportation -no Halloween carnival -no glow party, color run or other activities -no family week -no teacher appreciation -no extras for Dr Seuss Week -no prizes or bracelets for red ribbon week -no book fair -and so much more!!! Do it for the kids! They love and need these things at the school. They adore their PTA who are involved. It is a lot of work at times, but I promise it's worth it. Having been on the board for the past 2 years I can tell you that the smiles and happy kids are worth every second.
9 months ago, Three Peaks Elementary
Please turn in all library and take-home books tomorrow (May 3rd). Our goal for the end of the year is to have 100% of the books turned in. Thanks!
9 months ago, Three Peaks Elementary
To celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Day, our local McDonald’s owner/operators have approved a fundraiser on Tuesday, May 7 from 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. where 20% of all digital sales during that period will be tracked and donated to the Iron County School District Foundation. That money is used to support teachers and classrooms with funding that cannot be met through regular budgets. It is a simple process for you to help: Download the McDonald’s app and order your meals from 5-8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 7 The restaurants will track all digital app sales and will donate the percentage to our district.
10 months ago, Iron County Schools
McTeacher's Night
All library and take-home books are due on May 3rd. Please start looking for them so we can have 100% turned in this year. Thanks!
10 months ago, Three Peaks Elementary
Parents/Guardians: Teacher Request Forms are now available to fill out (one form per child). We will ONLY accept them April 22-26 (8:30 am-3:45 pm and 8:30 am-1:45 pm on Friday). NO FORMS OR REQUESTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER APRIL 26, 2024. A parent will need to drop them off at the main office. Email requests will not be accepted. They will not be accepted if a student drops them off. It is no longer first come, first serve. Thanks for your patience and understanding!
10 months ago, Three Peaks Elementary
We are postponing Teacher Requests AGAIN! YIKES!!! We are sorry for the delay...The new and improved dates for Teacher Requests are April 22nd through April 26th. Forms will now be available in the office or on the website on Monday, April 22nd (probably, most likely, I'm pretty sure). Students are welcome to pick up a form from the office. However, an adult must turn in the completed form to the office. It's not first come, first serve. Forms are due no later than Friday, April 26th by 1:45 pm. This is our 3rd time to change the dates. The 3rd time is a charm! Thanks for your patience and understanding.
10 months ago, Three Peaks Elementary
Parents/Guardians: Due to the fact that teacher interviews are still in process, we are postponing teacher requests until Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Forms will be available in the main office or can be downloaded from the school website on Tuesday, April 16th, sometime in the afternoon. Just a friendly reminder that forms must be turned in by an adult to the main office. Students are welcome to pick up a form in the office, but an adult needs to turn it in. :) Class placements are not made first come, first serve. The last day requests will be accepted is Tuesday, April 23rd by 3:45 pm. We are sorry for any inconvenience this delay may have caused.
10 months ago, Three Peaks Elementary
Our amazing PTA has planned a lot of fun activities for Family Week (April 8th-12th). For more information, go to the "News" section. (Times and places have been sent home with students before spring break.)
10 months ago, Three Peaks Elementary
April 1st-5th is Spring Break, so all schools and district offices will be closed. School will resume on Monday, April 8th. Have a safe and fun break!
11 months ago, Three Peaks Elementary
Parents/Guardians: On March 27th, we will be taking spring pictures. Order information is in the "News" section. April 1st-5th is Spring Break, so all schools and district offices will be closed. School will resume on Monday, April 8th. Our amazing PTA has planned a lot of fun activities for Family Week (April 8th-12th). Keep a look out for more information that will be sent home with your child/children. Our Lost and Found is OVERFLOWING. Please stop by and see if any of it belongs to your student.
11 months ago, Three Peaks Elementary
There will be no school March 13th-15th. School will resume Monday, March 18th. Have a fun and safe break!
11 months ago, Three Peaks Elementary
Please read over the PTA newsletter carefully as there are a lot of things happening in the coming months. Next week we are celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday by having fun dress up days every day. Please remember to fill out the form under Kindergarten Registration if you have a child that will be in kindergarten the next school year ("News" section). You can still donate to the PTA Fundraiser and sign up your child if you haven't already. Last of all, don't forget to keep reading for the Kite Flight activity and Road to Success. Our students are earning so many wonderful prizes and there are many more to earn!
12 months ago, Three Peaks Elementary
Do you have a child or know someone with a child who will turn 5 by Sept. 1? Get started with kindergarten registration at Parents should make note of the in-person registration dates at each of the elementary schools where students will take their K Readiness Assessment and complete other screenings. A complete schedule is available at or click on the enrollment link on the district or elementary school websites. Online kindergarten registration is also available.
12 months ago, Three Peaks Elementary
In observance of Presidents' Day, there will be no school on Monday, February 19th. School will resume on Tuesday, February 20th. Have a fun and safe holiday!
12 months ago, Three Peaks Elementary
If you are interested in being part of the 2024-25 PTA Board, please contact the PTA. If you want to be involved in your students school or if you have questions of any kind about PTA, don't hesitate to ask. We are searching for positions to be filled on presidency for next year. Hope to hear from you soon!
about 1 year ago, Three Peaks Elementary
Dr. Seuss Week (March 4-8) Monday - Cat in the Hat - wear stripes Tuesday - Green Eggs and Ham - wear green Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday - wear backwards or mixed-up clothing Thursday - Dress like your favorite book character Friday - Cozy up with reading - wear your PJs The PTA is looking for more people to help. If you can, please contact them.
about 1 year ago, Three Peaks Elementary
Picture of Text: Dr. Seuss Week
Parents: Next Week we will be having SEP Week. Please be aware that all students will be released at 2:30 rather than 3:30 on Monday-Thursday. Friday will be a normal early out day at 1:30. Please make arrangements so that students will be picked up on time. Do not tell students to wait at the school without you. If you need them to wait at the school you MUST be here as school lets out. PTA will be sponsoring a Book Fair during the following times: Monday-Friday 11:35-1:00 and Monday-Thursday 2:40-4:00.
about 1 year ago, Three Peaks Elementary